
Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

How to use public transit directions in Google Maps

Google Maps is an amazing resource for finding public transit information.

In addition to driving directions, Google Maps offers a wealth of options if you rely on public transit for your daily commute. The service gives you a list of the various forms of public transportation for your journey, and it also offers the ability to set a departure time and see the options available at that particular time.

Google Maps catalogs public transit information — including bus, train, ferry, and tram schedules — from over 100 countries and 25,000 towns. Along with finding the optimal transport mode for your daily commute, Maps makes it easy for you to find transit information when visiting a new city.

How to use Google Maps for public transit

  1. Enter the location you want to travel to in the Search here field.
  2. Tap the blue navigation button in the bottom right corner.
  3. Select the train icon to see public transit options.

  4. You'll be able to see options available currently as well as the weather.
  5. To see if trains or buses are available at a particular time, select the Depart at field.
  6. Enter your desired time and hit Done.

  7. You'll see a new list of options.
  8. If you have a preferred mode of transportation, select the Options button.
  9. Choose your preference and hit Done.

Do you rely on Google Maps to find bus and train schedules in your area? Let us know in the comments.

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