
Selasa, 30 Juli 2019

Follow these steps to cancel your Hulu membership

Hulu makes it possible for you to access thousands of current and classic shows from the convenience of one streaming service. It's accessible from several different platforms, and you can get a membership starting at just $6 a month. However, if you find you aren't using the service often enough or simply don't like the shows offered, it might be time to say goodbye. Fortunately, canceling your subscription is pretty straightforward. We'll step you through the process and close that membership in no time.

Products used in this guide

  • Core streaming service: Hulu (From $6/mo at Hulu)

How to cancel Hulu

  1. From a computer go to and click Log In in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. This box will pop up. Enter your information and click Log In.

  3. When the page loads, click on your main account. It will open to the Hulu streaming page.

  4. Hover over your profile name in the top right-hand corner of the screen. A drop-down menu appears. Click on Account.

  5. Your account information will now be displayed. Scroll down until you find the box that says, "Cancel Your Subscription," and click Cancel.

  6. When the next page loads, click Continue to Cancel in the bottom right corner.

  7. On the next screen, Hulu wants you to tell them why you're leaving. Select the answer that you want and then click Continue to Cancel in the bottom right corner.

  8. You're almost done. Just click Cancel Subscription in the bottom-right hand corner.

  9. This page will come up letting you know that your membership has been canceled. You've done it!

Having thousands of shows and movies at your fingertips can be a nice thing. But if you aren't getting a lot out of your Hulu membership or don't use it, it makes sense to close it out. There are plenty of other streaming services out there that can help you find the media you like best. Or if you've decided you don't want to have a streaming service in your home, that works too.

Core streaming service


From $6/mo at Hulu

Watch current and classic shows

With your Hulu subscription, you'll have access to thousands of shows. Many of your favorite shows currently on air release their latest episodes on Hulu shortly after airing.

Other helpful Streaming things

Regardless of whether or not you use Hulu, these products and services can help you access the shows you like best.

Roku Streaming Stick

$46 at Amazon

This is another solid streaming stick that can help you access your favorite streaming memberships from your TV. It comes with a remote so you can use it from the couch or bed. Use it watch favorite media from Netflix, Hulu, ESPN, and more.

Fire TV Stick

$50 at Amazon

Amazon's streaming media stick allows you to access your favorite streaming services like Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, or HBO, all from your TV screen. You still need a membership to each specific service to access shows and movies.


From $7/mo at Disney Plus - Coming Soon!

On November 12, Disney fans will have access to the company's inexpensive streaming service. There you'll find popular Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and classic Disney hits as well as a line up of brand new content.

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