
Jumat, 27 April 2018

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery lets you live your best wizard life [Game of the Week]

Update April 27 2018: Become the top wizard in your class in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Then, unwind with some sci-fi FPS action in Destiny Warfare!

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Every Harry Potter fan has dreamed about enrolling at Hogwarts and living out their very own magical adventure, making Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery one of the more anticipated mobile games to come out this week!

This is a mobile RPG game set 12 years before Harry's first year at Hogwarts so while the students are all brand new characters, you'll definitely recognize the professors and the rest of the supporting cast from the books and movies. You get to do it all — from exploring Diagon Alley for supplies, to getting sorted in your Hogwarts House, to attending classes and going on secret adventures The game features really sharp graphics and is faithful to the source material. Build up your stats by doing well in classes and making decisions that affect your character's courage, empathy and knowledge.

The game is built around an energy system, so you may occasionally need to take breaks from the game to recharge or use in-game currency to buy more energy (in-app purchases are available to buy more in-game currency, of course). Definitely worth checking out if you consider yourself to be a huge Harry Potter fan.

Download — Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Free w/IAPS)

Destiny Warfare: Sci-Fi FPS

You may initially think that Destiny Warfare is a mobile version of Bungie's popular Destiny franchise — I know I did — but it's not. It just heavily borrows from the look and feel of the game for a straight up multiplayer experience that not half bad.

You get a pretty standard mobile FPS experience here complete with the usual compromises — auto-fire is turned on by default and there's only touch screen controls available at this time — but the graphics are pretty sharp and the inclusion of jetpacks adds some pretty fun variety to the firefight action.

The biggest thing holding this game back, however, is that it feels like a pay-to-win scenario. You buy gun using in-game currency, but you can also buy in-game currency with in-app purchases. The more premium weapons are vastly superior, with the "free" guns needing to be "repaired". About the most disappointing implementation of micro-transactions I've seen, and yet the core gameplay is really fun, and there's a bunch of different game modes unlocked when you reach level 10.

Worth checking out for free, but it definitely feels like you'd need to drop some cash to dominate your opponents.

Download — Destiny Warfare: Sci-Fi FPS (Free w/IAPs)

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